Saturday, December 10, 2011

The War on Terror as a Subset to A Long Standing Socioeconomic War


The current state of the economy , the dissatisfaction of the general populace with the socioeconomic allocations within the USA sphere of control, and the impacts of the globalization and the socioeconomic meltdowns and unrest overseas were a heads up to the US oligarchical structure to prepare for action.


The ongoing War on Terror (WOT) is the current fear-based motive to create a somewhat 2 dimensional (2-D) reactionary Hegelian infrastructure to implement a rigid controlled hierarchical social infrastructure to maintain order leveraging ongoing legal initiatives to achieve a stable state under the guise of security and safety. Keeping any discourse in such a society (i.e, limiting different views, perspectives, and other dimensions of an issue) to a 2-D argument allows for easier manipulation and control of the state in maintaining stability. Media blackouts, fluff journalistic pieces, and framing of discussions as a strictly liberal/conservative argument are the most apparent of modern examples. This type of control has existed regardless of the ideology practiced by a government and society throughout history. It is easier to maintain control of a populace if the populace has limited or no information on an issue

The current US power structure is facing a classic double front war-time dilemma, but the WOT is NOT the major element; in fact the WOT can be seen as subset of combating radicalism within a socioeconomic war (with the modern instance of Al-Qaeda invoking alternative interpretations of Islam as their rallying point), that has been at the heart of the modern conflicts , and indeed all conflicts in general.

Framing the "war" from a socioeconomic perspective, the 2 fronts that the USA faces immediately, is the growing unrest of the general populace with the socioeconomic allocations within the USA sphere of control, and addressing the rising economic capabilities of Central Asia [with IMF analysis here] coupled with the trade deficits, competition, and financial issues brought about by the EU and globalization.

Now as a reminder of basic military theory (since the prominent proponents of the NDAA Sec 1031 and 1032 are arguing is such terms), a two-front war is one in which fighting takes place on two geographically separate fronts. If an army must divide its forces to address 2 threats simultaneously, that army's chances for success diminish, sometimes greatly.

The First Front

Addressing the home front as the first theoretical front the USA faces, has been relatively straight forward for the current US power structure to address. The implications addressing the "wartime" issues through the broad language of Sec 1031/1032 in its current form (with the vague language as to who decides or when termination of hostilities end in addition to potentially contradictory language between Sec 1031 and 1032 regarding US citizenship disposition), is a reactionary 2-D response of dealing with the potential issues that may arise with the perceived internal threat to the US. The language of the current Sec 1031/1032 is broad enough to include instances of socioeconomic protest and dissension as encouraged examples of terrorism if deemed as such by authorities.

Moreover, the Patriot Act implements controls at specific functional levels (personal profiling as well as information and financial transaction monitoring and examples of supporting analysis, among its items), with the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) ostensibly implemented to combat economic losses for online venues. SOPA has provisions to implement firewalls that would address the piracy issue, but may be leveraged under NDAA Sec 1031/1032 and the Patriot Act to control information in the name of counter-terrorism action since piracy by definition can be construed as a terrorist act.

The Second Front

Addressing the rising economic capabilities of Central Asia coupled with the trade deficits, competition, and financial issues brought about by the EU and globalization as the secondary front of a theoretical US socioeconomic war may be significantly problematic. 3 major issues on this front face the US: maintaining competitiveness in global markets, reducing the trade deficits, and preventing the devaluation of the USD.

We've marketed ourselves as a country in so far as the bling and the image of the good life pretty well. However, aside from technological and intellectual based exports (iPods, Software, R&D etc), key manufacturing sectors which support the tenants that create such an image need addressing. US materiel exports must improve and increase. As a 2002 Study suggests, education of the US workforce doesn't match the current needs of a global economy, and the population currently qualified to handle the current job need is low (i.e., we need more math and science based professionals). The data shows improvement as of 2010, but the number of advanced degrees pursued by foreign students versus US students is still high. Much of the talent sought by many US corporations to fill such positions is recruited from overseas. This inherently creates a vulnerability to the US.

This situation impacts US competitiveness and the trade deficit, but if the devaluation of the USD or the USD potential removal as the World Reserve Currency occurs (as was being considered by the G20 and the IMF on February 10,2011 with deliberations ongoing), maintaining the US way of life will be significantly more expensive to the point of increased protests and dissension, if not outright revolution.The current power structure most likely is aware of this situation and is implementing the current 2-D initiatives to quell potential unrest on the 1st front (as seen in the current Oakland and UK/European unrest).

Political Metaphor for Our Time?

The power structure has left the secondary front wide open. Theoretically, if the power structure wants to strengthen its position on the second front, it would encourage the education and training of the US populace to address the needs on the second front. This would satisfy the competition and deficit issues and possibly mitigate devaluation of the USD and unrest on the 1st front. However the potential US workers considering international assignments must adjust their expectations in so far as the wage and benefit expectations for potential globally based opportunities may not be what potential workers expect.

If the power structure chooses NOT to address the 2nd front in this manner, then the power structure will most likely stick with the status quo monetary solution to the second front as seen with the EU bailout packages. This solution is HIGHLY contingent upon the global financial community deciding NOT to devalue the USD and leaves the 2nd front open to attack . If the 2nd front is left open to attack, the power structure agendas and motivations MUST be scrutinized and determined beyond the WOT rhetoric. An analysis of what benefits are gained by such exposure to globalization effects, and which entities ultimately benefit from such exposure must be undertaken. This situation is ideal for manipulation and abuse by current and future power structures and administrations, regardless of any well meaning intentions. At this point, the situation for such a scenario will pretty much play out like a modern day version of Star Wars Episode I thru III (had to be geeky! LOL)

A Cautionary Reminder from Kirk and Spock

The current issues and situations presented in this discussion must be considered in terms of global impacts rather than strict US terrorism impacts to understand elements outside the WOT which may have a greater impact on the liberties on rights given by the Constitution. Education of the issues in this matter are imperative and individuals must take personal responsibility to gather as much information on issues and decide for themselves what to do. Complacency and blind acceptance have been the beginning of decline of great societies throughout history.

Insights? Comments welcome and highly encouraged

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